What's the difference between make and cmake?

I build mxnet from source with cmake. It must set the blas path.
But when I build with make,the blas is not necessary.
What’s the difference?

Both cmake or make downloaded the mklml, so I don’t need to build openblas by myself according to the difference between mkl and mklml and mkldnn. Am I all right?

If USE_BLAS is set, you either need to have openblas, ATLAS or MKL installed. You can change this variable in config.mk file. If you don’t have a full MKL installation, then you may use OpenBlas instead.
You can find more information on how to compile MXNet with MKL-DNN here https://mxnet.incubator.apache.org/versions/master/tutorials/mkldnn/MKLDNN_README.html