Label names in gluoncv simplePose models?

where can I find the label names of gluoncv SimplePose models?
I see the result contains 17 classes, eg:
[[[460.63147 290.77734]
[466.33966 286.07047]
[457.7774 281.3636 ]
[472.04785 290.77734]
[452.0692 281.3636 ]
[480.6101 309.6048 ]
[437.79877 304.89792]
[497.73462 333.1391 ]
[420.67426 295.4842 ]
[469.19373 356.67346]
[409.25787 262.53613]
[466.33966 375.50092]
[434.9447 370.794 ]
[489.17236 394.32837]
[414.96606 399.03522]
[480.6101 455.51764]
[420.67426 455.51764]]]
<NDArray 1x17x2 @cpu(0)>

but nowhere can I see what body part maps to which index in that result…

The 17 classes represent the 17 keypoints for a person. These keypoints consists of x,y coordinates. And the label is the gaussian kernel centered at a particular keypoint. In order to identify to which body part a keypoint belongs to, the easiest would be to plot those points:

for i in range(0,17):

yes it’s what I did but for 17 points it took couple minutes to figure out with the default gluoncv viz, since it doesn’t display point index on the chart