Gluoncv fcn inference failed

i have train gluoncv.model_zoo.FCN with custom data and save result with net.save_params().

where inference i get pixel accuracy less than 10%

        with autograd.record(False):
            outputs = model.module.demo(data.as_in_context(mx.gpu()))

but the following codes achieves pixel accuracy 80% (the same as training log)

        with autograd.record(True):
            outputs = model.module.demo(data.as_in_context(mx.gpu()))

during inference, i load trained model with following codes

backbone = "resnet50"
model = gluoncv.model_zoo.FCN(num_classes, backbone=backbone, pretrained_base=True,
            ctx=ctx, **kwargs)
model.load_parameters("mymodel.params") #this is model traind with custom codes

i guess some parameters like bn/dropout is not correctly set if autograd.record(False)?
and how should i make it work without autograd.record(True)?

Hi @z0n1l2,

For training you generally want to use autograd.record(True) which is the same as the default (autograd.record()).

You’re correct that if you set the train_mode to False (autograd.record(False)), BatchNorm and Dropout will behave differently. This is so that you can do things like ‘visualizing’ your convnet as described here::

Note: save_params and load_params are deprecated in favor of save_parameters and load_parameters:


during prediction forward, may i only use the following codes simply?

outputs = model.module.demo(data.as_in_context(mx.gpu()))

but in my test, this codes output low pixel accuracy. it’s strange

Why don’t you consider replacing outputs = model.module.demo(data.as_in_context(mx.gpu())) with outputs = model(data.as_in_context(mx.gpu()))?

i have try it (without demo) but not difference

Is it convenient for you to send the code and related information? Maybe that’s a better solution.

thanks for reply. following are codes mainly based on gluoncv.fcn samples

import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import gluon, autograd
import random
from datetime import datetime
import gluoncv
from import transforms
from gluoncv.utils.viz import get_color_pallete, DeNormalize
import os,sys,cv2
from gluoncv.utils.parallel import *

# Fully Convolutional Network
# ---------------------------
# .. image::*wRkj6lsQ5ckExB5BoYkrZg.png
#     :width: 70%
#     :align: center
# (figure credit to `Long et al. <>`_ )
# State-of-the-art approaches of semantic segmentation are typically based on
# Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) [Long15]_.
# The key idea of a fully convolutional network is that it is "fully convolutional",
# which means it does have any fully connected layers. Therefore, the network can
# accept arbitrary input size and make dense per-pixel predictions.
# Base/Encoder network is typically pre-trained on ImageNet, because the features
# learned from diverse set of images contain rich contextual information, which
# can be beneficial for semantic segmentation.

# Model Dilation
# --------------
# The adaption of base network pre-trained on ImageNet leads to loss spatial resolution,
# because these networks are originally designed for classification task.
# Following standard implementation in recent works of semantic segmentation,
# we apply dilation strategy to the
# stage 3 and stage 4 of the pre-trained networks, which produces stride of 8
# featuremaps (models are provided in
# :class:`gluoncv.model_zoo.ResNetV1b`).
# Visualization of dilated/atrous convoution
# (figure credit to `conv_arithmetic <>`_ ):
# .. image::
#     :width: 40%
#     :align: center
# Loading a dilated ResNet50 is simply:

class MYDataset(
    def __init__(self,dataset_folder = "sdk/"):
        self.data_list_ = []
        with open(os.path.join(dataset_folder,'all.txt'),'rb') as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if line == "":
                image_path,label_path = line.split(' ')
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data_list_)
    def __getitem__(self,idx):
        image = cv2.imread(self.data_list_[idx][0],1)
        label = cv2.imread(self.data_list_[idx][1],0)

        image = image[0:480,0:480,:]
        label = label[0:480,0:480]

        image = np.float32(image) / 255.0
        label = np.float32(label) / 50.0

        image = np.transpose(image,(2,0,1))
        return (image,label)

class PixelAcc:
    def __init__(self,num_classes): = {}
        for k in range(num_classes):
  [k] = [0,0]
    def update(self,preds, labels):
        if isinstance(preds,list) or isinstance(preds,tuple):
            preds = preds[0][0]
        if isinstance(preds,mx.nd.NDArray):
            preds = preds.as_in_context(mx.cpu()).asnumpy()
        if isinstance(labels, mx.nd.NDArray):
            labels = labels.as_in_context(mx.cpu()).asnumpy()
        pred_label = np.argmax(preds,axis=1)
        for k in
            total = np.sum(labels == k)
            hit = np.sum( (labels == pred_label) * (labels == k)  )
  [k][0] += total
  [k][1] += hit
    def reset(self):
        for k in
  [k] = [0,0]
    def get(self):
        infos = []
        for k in
            infos.append('{}'.format(float([k][1]) / ([k][0] + 1)  ))
        return ' '.join(infos)

def load_model(num_classes,ctx,**kwargs):
    backbone = "resnet50"
    model = gluoncv.model_zoo.FCN(num_classes, backbone=backbone, pretrained_base=True,
                ctx=ctx, **kwargs)
    return model

class mIOU:
    def __init__(self,num_classes): = {}
        for k in range(num_classes):
  [k] = [0,0]
    def reset(self):
        for k in
  [k] = [0,0]
    def update(self,preds,labels):
        if isinstance(preds, list) or isinstance(preds, tuple):
            preds = preds[0][0]
        if isinstance(preds, mx.nd.NDArray):
            preds = preds.as_in_context(mx.cpu()).asnumpy()
        if isinstance(labels, mx.nd.NDArray):
            labels = labels.as_in_context(mx.cpu()).asnumpy()
        pred_label = np.argmax(preds, axis=1)
        for k in
            t0 = np.sum(labels == k)
            t1 = np.sum(pred_label == k)
            t2 = np.sum((labels == pred_label) * (labels == k))
  [k][0] += t0 + t1 - t2
  [k][1] += t2
    def get(self):
        infos = []
        for k in
            infos.append('{}'.format(float([k][1]) / ([k][0] + 1)  ))
        return ' '.join(infos)

def run(num_classes = 20, input_size = (512,640)):
    #pretrained_net = gluoncv.model_zoo.resnet50_v1b(pretrained=True)

    # FCN Model
    # ---------
    # We build a fully convolutional "head" on top of the base network,
    # the FCNHead is defined as::
    #     class _FCNHead(HybridBlock):
    #         def __init__(self, in_channels, channels, norm_layer, **kwargs):
    #             super(_FCNHead, self).__init__()
    #             with self.name_scope():
    #                 self.block = nn.HybridSequential()
    #                 inter_channels = in_channels // 4
    #                 with self.block.name_scope():
    #                     self.block.add(nn.Conv2D(in_channels=in_channels, channels=inter_channels,
    #                                              kernel_size=3, padding=1))
    #                     self.block.add(norm_layer(in_channels=inter_channels))
    #                     self.block.add(nn.Activation('relu'))
    #                     self.block.add(nn.Dropout(0.1))
    #                     self.block.add(nn.Conv2D(in_channels=inter_channels, channels=channels,
    #                                              kernel_size=1))
    #     def hybrid_forward(self, F, x):
    #         return self.block(x)
    # FCN model is provided in :class:`gluoncv.model_zoo.FCN`. To get
    # FCN model using ResNet50 base network for Pascal VOC dataset:
    #model = gluoncv.model_zoo.get_fcn(dataset='pascal_voc', backbone='resnet50', pretrained=False) #output is 480x480 !!!
    model = load_model(num_classes,mx.gpu())

    # We provide semantic segmentation datasets in :class:``.
    # For example, we can easily get the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset:
    #trainset ='train', transform=input_transform,root = 'E:/dataset/VOCdevkit/')
    trainset = MYDataset()
    print('Training images:', len(trainset))
    # set batch_size = 2 for toy example
    batch_size = 1
    # Create Training Loader
    train_data =
        trainset, batch_size, shuffle=True, last_batch='rollover')
      #  num_workers=batch_size) multiprocess causes problem under windows


    # - Dataparallel for multi-gpu training, using cpu for demo only
    ctx_list = [mx.gpu(0)]

    model = DataParallelModel(model, ctx_list)

    # The training loop
    # -----------------
    pixel_acc = PixelAcc(num_classes)
    miou = mIOU(num_classes)
    for epoch in range(1):
        for batch in train_data:
            data,target = batch
            with autograd.record(True):
                #outputs = model.module.demo(data.as_in_context(mx.gpu()))
                outputs = model(data)
            #print pixel_acc.get()
            print miou.get()
    print 'finished!'

if __name__=="__main__":

Friends, your code looks strange.

pixel_acc = PixelAcc(num_classes)
miou = mIOU(num_classes)
for epoch in range(1):
for batch in train_data:
data,target = batch
with autograd.record(True):
#outputs = model.module.demo(data.as_in_context(mx.gpu()))
outputs = model(data)
#print pixel_acc.get()
print miou.get()
print ‘finished!’

It looks like training code, but also like predictive code.
It seem use Python2.7 and Python3.6 at the same time.

def __getitem__(self,idx):
    image = cv2.imread(self.data_list_[idx][0],1)
    label = cv2.imread(self.data_list_[idx][1],0)

    image = image[0:480,0:480,:]
    label = label[0:480,0:480]

    image = np.float32(image) / 255.0
    label = np.float32(label) / 50.0

    image = np.transpose(image,(2,0,1))
    return (image,label)

I think you should replace the code above with transforms.Compose().
If other documents can be provided, it’s probably clearer what the problem is.

the codes is python 2.7. and it in fact is copy from training codes to make same data preprocessing.
these are all codes for this experiments.

It looks like training code, but also like predictive code
you means usage of “autograd”? it is why i post here. without it, the codes won’t produce correct pixel accuracy

you try to remove with autograd.record(True):,then take a look at the results.Finally, you replace with autograd.record(True): with with autograd.predict_mode():,What are their results?

input trainset

autograd.record(True) -> recalling 50%
autograd.predict_mode() -> recalling 25%