Gluon: access layer weights

I’m trying to get access to the layer weights in Gluon API after loading a symbolic block with mx.gluon.nn.SymbolBlock().
I’m initializing the weights from a pretrained network and add fully connected layers using
net_params = net.collect_params() net_params.initialize(mx.init.Uniform(scale=0.1), ctx=mx.gpu(0) for param in arg_params: if param in net_params: net_params[param]._load_init(dp.arg_params[param], ctx=mx.gpu(0)) for param in aux_params: if param in net_params: net_params[param]._load_init(dp.aux_params[param], ctx=mx.gpu(0))

Now I want to check if the network is indeed learning but when accessing the weights while training (outside or within autograd.record()) either through
trainer._params[index].data() where index is just the desired layer or net_params['fc8_weight'].data() these weights do not change!

The networks output (using the same samples) is indeed outputting different values for
output = net([0]),
so it must be learning.
But why do the weights not change when accessed through the mentioned methods?

Hi @simomaur,

I just tried this out and my weights do change. I’m working with a LeNet model for MNIST classification on a single GPU to create a simple case for us to test this out. I’m also using MXNet version 1.2.0.

My code first trains a HybridBlock model (the ‘pre-training’ stage), exports the weights and network architecture, loads it back in as a hybrid block and continues training (the ‘fine-tuning’ stage). In this final stage, I print out the weights of a specific layer (e.g. “hybridsequential0_dense1_weight”) before the fine-tuning and after and they are different. I train for a single epoch.

Would be interested to see how what we have is different, please let me know if you spot the difference. I notice you’re loading in parameters differently to me. I don’t separate the arg and aux params, so try changing this (assuming you’re not loading an ONNX model).

sym = mx.sym.load('lenet-symbol.json')
deserialized_net = gluon.nn.SymbolBlock(outputs=sym, inputs=mx.sym.var('data'))
deserialized_net.collect_params().load('lenet-0001.params', ctx=ctx)

My complete example is as follows;

from __future__ import print_function

import mxnet as mx
import mxnet.ndarray as nd
from mxnet import nd, autograd, gluon
from import transforms
import numpy as np

# Build a simple convolutional network
def build_lenet(net):    
    with net.name_scope():
        # First convolution
        net.add(gluon.nn.Conv2D(channels=20, kernel_size=5, activation='relu'))
        net.add(gluon.nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2))
        # Second convolution
        net.add(gluon.nn.Conv2D(channels=50, kernel_size=5, activation='relu'))
        net.add(gluon.nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2))
        # Flatten the output before the fully connected layers
        # First fully connected layers with 512 neurons
        net.add(gluon.nn.Dense(512, activation="relu"))
        # Second fully connected layer with as many neurons as the number of classes
        return net

# Train a given model using MNIST data
def train_model(model, inspect_param=None):
    # Use cross entropy loss
    softmax_cross_entropy = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
    # Use Adam optimizer
    model_params = model.collect_params()
    trainer = gluon.Trainer(model_params, 'adam', {'learning_rate': .001})
    if inspect_param: print("Starting values: {}".format(model_params[inspect_param].data()))
    # Train for one epoch
    for epoch in range(1):
        # Iterate through the images and labels in the training data
        for batch_num, (data, label) in enumerate(train_data):
            # get the images and labels
            data = data.as_in_context(ctx)
            label = label.as_in_context(ctx)
            # Ask autograd to record the forward pass
            with autograd.record():
                # Run the forward pass
                output = model(data)
                # Compute the loss
                loss = softmax_cross_entropy(output, label)
            # Compute gradients
            # Update parameters

            # Print loss once in a while
            if batch_num % 50 == 0:
                curr_loss = nd.mean(loss).asscalar()
                print("Epoch: %d; Batch %d; Loss %f" % (epoch, batch_num, curr_loss))
    if inspect_param: print("Finishing values: {}".format(model_params[inspect_param].data()))
print("Stage 0: setup")
ctx = mx.gpu() if mx.test_utils.list_gpus() else mx.cpu()
num_inputs = 784
num_outputs = 10
batch_size = 64
train_data =,
                                   batch_size, shuffle=True)
print("Stage 1: pre-train model")
net = build_lenet(gluon.nn.HybridSequential())
net.collect_params().initialize(mx.init.Xavier(), ctx=ctx)

print("Stage 2: save model")
net.export("lenet", epoch=1)

print("Stage 3: load model")
sym = mx.sym.load('lenet-symbol.json')
deserialized_net = gluon.nn.SymbolBlock(outputs=sym, inputs=mx.sym.var('data'))
deserialized_net.collect_params().load('lenet-0001.params', ctx=ctx)

print("Stage 4: fine-tuning")
train_model(deserialized_net, inspect_param="hybridsequential0_dense1_weight")

And my output shows the weights of “hybridsequential0_dense1_weight” change;

Stage 0: setup
Stage 1: pre-train model
Epoch: 0; Batch 0; Loss 2.280598
Epoch: 0; Batch 50; Loss 0.337641
Epoch: 0; Batch 100; Loss 0.210663
Epoch: 0; Batch 150; Loss 0.111363
Epoch: 0; Batch 200; Loss 0.115460
Epoch: 0; Batch 250; Loss 0.116974
Epoch: 0; Batch 300; Loss 0.062213
Epoch: 0; Batch 350; Loss 0.093351
Epoch: 0; Batch 400; Loss 0.048531
Epoch: 0; Batch 450; Loss 0.058199
Epoch: 0; Batch 500; Loss 0.070505
Epoch: 0; Batch 550; Loss 0.041834
Epoch: 0; Batch 600; Loss 0.059377
Epoch: 0; Batch 650; Loss 0.053189
Epoch: 0; Batch 700; Loss 0.017252
Epoch: 0; Batch 750; Loss 0.027031
Epoch: 0; Batch 800; Loss 0.005970
Epoch: 0; Batch 850; Loss 0.095129
Epoch: 0; Batch 900; Loss 0.013246
Stage 2: save model
Stage 3: load model
Stage 4: fine-tuning
Starting values: 
[[-0.1280341   0.0091968   0.0778511  ..., -0.08914039  0.05862502
  -0.1317472 ]
 [-0.0269692   0.04817459  0.10786245 ..., -0.08930212 -0.03623529
 [ 0.08288375 -0.09571287 -0.03237296 ...,  0.06498121  0.08183339
 [ 0.11866657  0.05870249 -0.03701728 ...,  0.04017895  0.0422365
 [-0.06393342  0.09521717 -0.04818693 ..., -0.06093055  0.03657702
 [ 0.04993053 -0.04644486  0.01558479 ...,  0.0980444  -0.05688887
<NDArray 10x512 @gpu(0)>
Epoch: 0; Batch 0; Loss 0.002895
Epoch: 0; Batch 50; Loss 0.017847
Epoch: 0; Batch 100; Loss 0.047905
Epoch: 0; Batch 150; Loss 0.025534
Epoch: 0; Batch 200; Loss 0.039929
Epoch: 0; Batch 250; Loss 0.143031
Epoch: 0; Batch 300; Loss 0.021253
Epoch: 0; Batch 350; Loss 0.041503
Epoch: 0; Batch 400; Loss 0.059370
Epoch: 0; Batch 450; Loss 0.096992
Epoch: 0; Batch 500; Loss 0.016127
Epoch: 0; Batch 550; Loss 0.051358
Epoch: 0; Batch 600; Loss 0.010862
Epoch: 0; Batch 650; Loss 0.052501
Epoch: 0; Batch 700; Loss 0.036348
Epoch: 0; Batch 750; Loss 0.028365
Epoch: 0; Batch 800; Loss 0.077076
Epoch: 0; Batch 850; Loss 0.094364
Epoch: 0; Batch 900; Loss 0.022251
Finishing values: 
[[-0.13683593 -0.01088019  0.08661763 ..., -0.08079872  0.06584116
 [-0.00970386  0.06387555  0.12025371 ..., -0.08949943 -0.04318072
 [ 0.08180709 -0.12747169 -0.04584555 ...,  0.0604701   0.08880944
 [ 0.11766645  0.05050235 -0.08242993 ...,  0.04004622  0.04245359
 [-0.09150746  0.10231887 -0.09706685 ..., -0.06136883  0.04366267
 [ 0.04564926 -0.03896103 -0.01093464 ...,  0.09354883 -0.05801368
<NDArray 10x512 @gpu(0)>

also referring to Multiple losses
it turned out that given the following loss function (I still don’t get why in MXNet the losses return from hybrid_forward have size (batch_size,) instead of a scalar loss)

class SomeLoss(mx.gluon.loss.Loss):
def __init__(self, weight=1., batch_axis=0, **kwargs):
    super(SomeLoss, self).__init__(weight=weight, batch_axis=batch_axis, **kwargs)

def hybrid_forward(self, F, x, sample_weight=None):
    y = F.sign(data=x)
    b_n = 0.5 * (y + 1)
    mu_m = F.mean(b_n, axis=0)
    loss = F.square(mu_m - 0.5)
    return loss

the gradients do not backpropagate correctly. Which is the reason that the weights of the network are not updated!
I further found out that this is related to the fact that x is not used inside the operators, except for F.sign(…), but this function is non-differentiable at x=0 and zero everywhere else.
As a solution we could approximate this with F.sigmoid/F.tanh, but I still wonder why the backend cannot handle this since for this loss:

class OtherLoss(mx.gluon.loss.Loss):
def __init__(self, weight=1., batch_axis=0, **kwargs):
    super(OtherLoss, self).__init__(weight=weight, batch_axis=batch_axis, **kwargs)

def hybrid_forward(self, F, x, sample_weight=None):
    y = F.sign(data=x)
    b_n = 0.5 * (y + 1)
    loss = F.square(b_n - x)
    loss = F.mean(loss, axis=0, exclude=True)
    return loss

the gradients are calculated and the weights updated.

the gradient of sign(x) will be zero everywhere.
In your second loss function you never use y, so the sign(x) is never used for gradient backpropagation.

you are right, made a typo, it’s:
b_n = 0.5 * (y + 1).
to sum up: OtherLoss works and propagates correctly, whereas SomeLoss does not.
assumption: because tensor ‘x’ does not appear in operation, whereas in OtherLoss it does:
F.square(b_n - x)

using the sigmoid function to approximate the sign function for SomeLoss:

sign_approx_factor = 10
b_n = F.sigmoid(sign_approx_factor*x)

Using this continuous function for approximating the binarization the backward pass works!

Would still be interested in an alternative :wink:

@simomaur I am not sure if there is an alternative, the sign function has a zero gradient everywhere which means it is not going to be able to train using back propagation as the gradient will be zero.

You would need to look at gradient-free optimization techniques, for example genetic algorithms, if you want to keep using the sign function in your loss.