Cant find GroupNorm

Dear all,

I’m installed mxnet 1.5.1 with pip.

I can find GroupNorm in the mxnet doc. However, when I try to apply GroupNorm in my network, it shows " module ‘mxnet.gluon.nn’ has no attribute ‘GroupNorm’ ".

Any idea about it? thanks!

Hi you need later versions of mxnet. Try:

pip install mxnet-cu101==

to see all versions and choose one. E.g. in my machine:

dia021@vpro-fl:~$ pip install mxnet-cu101==
Collecting mxnet-cu101==
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mxnet-cu101== (from versions: 1.4.1, 1.5.0b20190512, 1.5.0b20190516, 1.5.0b20190526, 1.5.0b20190602, 1.5.0b20190609, 1.5.0b20190613, 1.5.0b20190618, 1.5.0b20190619, 1.5.0b20190620, 1.5.0b20190621, 1.5.0b20190622, 1.5.0b20190623, 1.5.0b20190624, 1.5.0b20190625, 1.5.0b20190626, 1.5.0b20190627, 1.5.0b20190628, 1.5.0b20190629, 1.5.0b20190630, 1.5.0b20190701, 1.5.0b20190703, 1.5.0b20190704, 1.5.0b20190705, 1.5.0b20190706, 1.5.0b20190707, 1.5.0b20190708, 1.5.0b20190709, 1.5.0b20190710, 1.5.0b20190711, 1.5.0b20190717, 1.5.0b20190718, 1.5.0b20190720, 1.5.0b20190721, 1.5.0b20190723, 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.1.post0, 1.6.0b20190725, 1.6.0b20190726, 1.6.0b20190728, 1.6.0b20190729, 1.6.0b20190730, 1.6.0b20190801, 1.6.0b20190808, 1.6.0b20190903, 1.6.0b20190904, 1.6.0b20190906, 1.6.0b20190907, 1.6.0b20190908, 1.6.0b20190909, 1.6.0b20190910, 1.6.0b20190911, 1.6.0b20190912, 1.6.0b20190913, 1.6.0b20190915, 1.6.0b20190928, 1.6.0b20190929, 1.6.0b20190930, 1.6.0b20191001, 1.6.0b20191002, 1.6.0b20191004, 1.6.0b20191006, 1.6.0b20191007, 1.6.0b20191008, 1.6.0b20191011, 1.6.0b20191013, 1.6.0b20191015, 1.6.0b20191016, 1.6.0b20191029, 1.6.0b20191122)
No matching distribution found for mxnet-cu101==

then install with later versions, e.g.

pip install --no-cache-dir mxnet-cu101==1.6.0b2019112

I will try it. Thanks very much!